Invoice Management
If you are looking for a way to manually spend your time clicking a button to send out invoice to your bidders, stop right there.
A feature of Proauctionring is we do it for you automatically after ALL
lots in an auction have closed. A combined invoice of all purchases by
an individual bidder is created and sent out by the site.
NOTE: IF you do wish to manually send out invoices at the end of an auction, when using Auction Setup select the box titled DO NOT Email Invoice.
But occasionally we understand that you might need to modify information on an invoice that was sent out. Below we explain some of the easy to access features that allow you to tweak the invoice and resend it.
Invoices sent out are found under My Account or via Dashboard under:
You must be logged onto the site.
- Click on Invoices to display all your invokes.
- You are now looking at a list of invoices sent out to your bidders.
- Notice the small black $ and Truck icons near the upper right hand corner of the invoice listing. Move your mouse over them to see status of the invoice.
- There
are also some actionable icons near top of the Invoice: View &
Print Invoice, Message Board (to send a message to buyer via website),
and Leave Feedback.
- To the right hand side of invoice you see the Buttons labeled: Edit, Update, Delete, Resend.
- EDIT button is a powerful feature that allows you to modify the invoice. Click on Retract to only remove the single
highest bid, scroll down and click on BLUE button UPDATE. But the
consignor says no way, I just want it back. You need a way to remove ALL the bids from a lot. Click on Remove to remove every bid ever
placed on this lot by all bidders. You can also modify shipping, tax
amount, etc. When done modifying invoice, scroll down and click on BLUE UPDATE button . You will be reshown a list of all invoices with message that invoice was saved.
- UPDATE button will let you enter Payment status, Shipping status, Tracking link, and select option to send buyer notice of an updated invoice.
- DELETE button will delete the selected invoices.
- RESEND button will resend the invoice to the buyer again in case they claim they ever received it.
- MARKING SEVERAL INVOICES PAID. Notice at very top of the displayed list of invoices the words SALES DETAILS with a check box next to it. If you want to mark all the invoices displayed on this current page, click on it and then the BLUE Mark as Paid button that appears on the bottom of list. You can also select an individual invoice to mark as paid in the same manner.