How To List a Lot on Proauctionring

Selling: (Before listing an item make sure you have created your auction and assigned consignors to it by using the Auction Setup & Consignor Setup sections found under the My Account -> Members Area -> Selling -> Seller Tools.

Listing an auction lot.

Here's a step-by-step guide to listing an item for sale by auction. Most steps are the same for all types of listing.

Step 1: Item Details

  1. Start by clicking on the blue Sell on the upper right hand of the screen.
  2. Click on Select Auction. From the drop down menu, select the pre-defined Auction you are working on, then select a consignor from the drop down menu of consignors you have associated with this auction. (NOTE: If you do not select a pre-defined consignor then you can not create an individual settlement report for each consignor. You will be able to create a settlement for the Auction.)
  3. (Optional) Select Category. If selected, the lot you are entering will be accessible by bidders from two locations on the site. 1) Under your branded Category name and 2) Under a specific asset type.This is optional, just an extra perk for you.
  4. Type in an item title if one has not been filled in from your previously defined information entered via Prefilled fields/Global settings feature. This will be displayed in category listings and search results.You can over type this information.
  5. Optional, you can enter a short description  of the lot that will show up without looking at lot details.
  6. Type in a description of the item you are selling. We recommend the more information the better such as condition, dimensions and such.
  7. Click on Select Images. You MUST upload least 1 photo for each lot. The photo upload is pretty easy to use. You can hi-lite a bunch of photos at once to be uploaded and then move them around to be displayed as you wish in the lot listing. First 10 images uploaded are free.
  8. (Optional) Select Media. Selling a piece of equipment that you want the bidders to see run. Upload a video. (extra charge for this feature)
  9. Currency - Choose the currency you wish to use
  10. Start Price - Specify the starting bid for your auction
  11. Down Payment Required - Select this to enter either a percentage or flat amount in fields displayed.
  12. Enable Reserve - If you would like a reserve price, check this box. A reserve price prevents an item selling below a certain price, regardless of how much the final bid is for.
  13. Reserve Price - This field will be displayed if you clicked on Enable Reserve. Enter the reserve price.
  14. Enable Buy Out - If you want to offer a price that a bidder can purchase the lot with one click instead of going through a multi day auction process, check this box.
  15. Buy Out Price - Enter the amount to purchase this lot with one bid.
  16. Bid Increment - This controls how much more each bid is than the previous bid. In most circumstances the built-in proportional increments table will be suitable OR you can over ride the site defaults and enter your own( click on Enter your custom increment amount)
  17. Start Time - Now is as soon as you complete all the listing steps. Custom lets you pick a time and date to start the auction to be open for bidding.(Click on the Blue Calendar Icon to select date/time).
  18. End Time - Duration is number of days you select from the drop down menu. Custom lets you pick a time and date to end the auction lot for bidding.(Click on the Blue Calendar Icon to select date/time).
  19. Add Tax - If you enable this option, your local tax will be applied to the price of this item. You can select from a drop down menu if you had not selected the tax you locally charge in your Global Settings section of the Members Area.
  20. Buyer's Premium - Click the box if you wish to charge a Buyer's Premium of the percentage you specified in your Global Settings section of the Members Area.
  21. Private auction - By enabling this option, bidders identity for only this lot will be hidden to site users, and only you (the owner of the auction) will be able to see the usernames of the bidders. Bid amounts will still be visible.
  22. Disable anti-Sniping feature - Check this box if you want to disable the sniping feature for this auction. We do not recommend this action. IF you check the box, you have just turned off the Soft Closing feature of the auction lot.
  23. Feature Your Listing - A few options to spice up your auction listing.
  24. Location - Confirm the location details of your item. By default, this will be set to be the same location your userid is registered at. 
  25. Shipping - Select from the drop down menu IF you want to offer shipping and charges.  No Pickups means the item will only be shipped to the winning bidder. Buyer can Pickup means they have the option of having the item shipped or picking up at a location specified by you. Buyer Must Pickup means no shipping options are offered. The item must be picked up at a location specified by you. You can set up the preferred method from the Prefilled fields section of Seller Tools to apply to all lots in your auction. 
  26. Accept Returns - if you wish to offer this then select this feature.      
  27. Payment.
    1. Direct Payment - at this time we only offer the ability to use Paypal. Click on the box to select this method if you wish to offer it. Select direct payment methods for this item. You need to set up these payment methods from the Prefilled fields section of Seller Tools. By using direct payment, buyers are able to pay for the item directly through the site.
    2. Offline Payment - Check the box next to each of the offline payment methods that you will accept. 

Listing the lot:

By clicking the blue button on very bottom, NEXT STEP, you will be shown what the lot entry will look like to your bidders. If you see something that needs to be corrected, scroll to bottom of page and select blue button PREVIOUS STEP.  Correct what you need to, click on Next Step, review listing again. Scroll to bottom of page and either select LIST NOW or SAVE AS DRAFT.

You just listed an item to sell on and good luck at the auction.